

To live each day with an open heart, an open mind, and a positive attitude.
To share in community and drink up what life has to offer.
Founded in Austin, Texas.
In yoga, there is a basic pose known as Vrksasana. In Sanskrit, the ancient language of India, Vrska means “tree” and Asana means “Pose”. This stance is commonly referred to as the “tree pose”. This pose inspired Thirsty Tree as it combines a thirst for life with the rejuvenating sensation of connecting our heart, brain, and soul together. Thirsty Tree represents how we, as human beings, can celebrate a state of balance by tapping into our inner potential and core strength.
Since its beginning, Thirsty Tree has been an emblem of expansion and growth as we strive to be the best versions of ourselves. Thirsty Tree stands for the lifestyle we share that fills our internal reservoir
with hope and optimism.
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